Osram published our Istanbul Cruise Terminal lighting projects as a case study Link: Lighting Galataport Istanbul Cruise Terminal as a Case Study for...
Xicato published our Beymen Istinyepark Izmir lighting design projects as a case...
Galataport İstanbul is expected to receive more than 7 million foreign tourists and 15 million cruise passengers With a capacity of approximately 15,000 passengers per day, the new cruise port will...
Projemiz İstanbul Senin – Aydınlatma Ürünleri Tasarımı Yarışmasında 4 Mansiyon’a layık görüldü KONUR İSTANBUL PROJE LİNKİ PROJE RAPORU STIN·POLI Günün Akşam Saatlerinde...
We are honored to participate in developing lighting design schemes for Studio Evren Başbuğ Architects’ proposal, and Kardelen Peyzaj Planlama Great to hear that ‘Haliç...
Thanks to The Illuminating Engineering Society, Photobiology Committee released a valuable report for FAQ recently on Germicidal Ultraviolet (GUV) and how it could reduce the spread of...
We share our expertise withOn-Line Consultancy Services What is this The market is constantly shifting to remain relevant to the information age At Planlux we aim to share our knowledge and...
220220 tarihlinde Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Tasarım Kulübü Organizasyon ile düzenlenen SEKTÖR etkinliğinde ‘Aydınlatma Tasarımı’ konuşacağız! #sektör2020 We...
Defenders of Lighting Identity Light Identity Design as a Service What exactly is brand identity What does it have to do with lighting design And how do you create a brand identity...
The 8th Edition of the festival, started in last november Amsterdam Light festival is actually a big outdoor exhibition This years theme “disrupt” is marked all over each and every piece Festival...
There are a lot of important factors when choosing the right light fixture We really care about the selections such as lumens per watt, color temperatures but how about light distribution The...
Korhan Şişman will be attending in EEMKON 2019 Electrics and Electronics congressHe will be presenting his ideas about what lighting designers can and will do for the development of our cities we...
After all articles about natural light and the way to use it, here is a small checklist prepared, contains points to be taken and most needed questions to be asked while designing with natural light...
SUNCATCHERS Vertical light reflector, called suncatchers, can significantly improve the performance of clerestories Except for south facing openings (which already receive the maximum light), the...
We have great news: Korhan Sisman will be participating ‘Lights in Blokzijl’ as a workshop headThe first edition of Lights in Blokzijl will be held on December 2019 in the small historic center...
Başak Okay Tekir will talk about MACFit projects and her experiences at IstanbulLight Lighting Design Summit MACFit Sports Clubs: Lighting design as corporate identity “ You can find MacFit in...
Garanti Bank BBVA Technology Campus is the 2019 A+ Awards Winner of Popular Choice in the Commercial – Office – Mid Rise (5-15 Floors) categoryArticle linkThanks to ERA Architects and...
Light from above is a classic theme of architecture Skylights and clerestories have long histories as apertures Toplighting differs from sidelighting in several significant ways Exterior views are...
To use of sunlight as a source of ambient illumination can cause glare and heat gain These can be controlled with shading the openings Shading devices can be categorized as horizontal,...
Building shape and massing The massing of a building determines the quality of light distribution In general, narrow forms with greatest access to exterior openings will be easiest to illuminate with...
Room Proportion There is no universal answer to the question: “How deep can a room be effectively illuminated with natural light” Room proportion determines light distribution, not size For...
Planning for Solar Access Master planning of an area or region is an ideal opportunity to provide solar access Planning for solar access at the largest scale can very simplify the design...
Daylight can be defined as diffuse light through clouds or partially cloudy skies In a cloudy climate, the diffuse sky is often the main source of useful daylight For climate conditions...
There are a lot of important factors when choosing the right light fixture We really care about the selections such as lumens per watt, color temperatures but how about light distribution The...
The sun is a powerful source of light Properly used in building design, sunlight can be energy efficient and aesthetically pleasing However, if not carefully designed, building may overheat, be too...
An another source of natural light is Reflected light, which can be defined as light reflected from natural and man made surfaces The sun illuminates surfaces, creating secondary sources of light...
As we mentioned on our previous article to effectively use natural light, first we must try and understand its abilities Sunlight can be defined as direct-beam light through clear or partially cloudy...
To use natural light effectively, first we need to understand its abilities Available daylight patterns are modified by factors such as close by landforms, vegetation, and structures the variety...
Natural Light Lighting designer’s main source is natural light Sun is a natural source and it has sustainable unlimited energy In this article series, we want you to inform about natural light...
On 14th (Friday) December 2018, 10:00am , Korhan Şişman will talk about “Lighting Design” – A profession guiding architects translating emotions’ as a part of the talk series...
If we want to know more about light, we should start know the basic metrics to describe ‘light’ Let’s make it as simple as wecanThere are different units for measuring quantity of light and it...
On 29th (Thursday) November 2018, 12:20pm – AB3 150, Korhan Şişman will talk about “Lighting Design” explaining how light is experienced through emotion and experience as a part of...
We are delighted to announce that Planlux is shortlisted with Borusan Auto Showroom @darc_awards 2018 in the category Structures/Exterior – High Budget ...
A painter has great depth of understanding of colour and qualities A lighting designer is a painter and architecture is his canvas Our knowledge of colour comes from an early study in...
We were happy to be at Istanbullight on Saturday Korhan Şişman gave a talk about “What A Lighting Designer Sees,” explaining that light is experienced through emotion and experience With that,...
The human eye and brain together translate light into colour Colour perception by humans is personal It entirely depends on factors such as expectation, experience and the nature of the...
Lighting optimization to reduce damage to artwork Speaker Dr Alp Durmus – The University of Sydney Seminar Friday 3108 19:30-21:00 Location TAK Kadıköy (Rasimpaşa Mahallesi,...
Light is controlled by optics through absorption, reflection, diffusion, diffraction, refraction, polarization, and interference These are often used in combinations When light...
Light comes in 3 general forms; point sources, linear sources and area...
In order for an observer to gain visual information, four important details should be considered The object’s characteristics, as discussed in Form & Surface For example, whether it is...
Visual distraction occurs in several forms, such as unwanted reflections, glare, loud patterns, or even the hundreds of LED signs painting the buildings of Shibuya, Tokyo We call this visual...
To begin to understand form or space and what they require, as mention in “visual perception” we need to identify their basic characteristics For example, whether it is two-dimensional or...
Visual performance is highly dependent on contrast, meaning that an observer should easily be able to separate an object from its surroundings For this to happen the brain uses...
As humans, our ability to visually perceive our surrounding environment is highly dependent on light Our eyes are constantly at work collecting surrounding visual data When passed to the mind in a...
All light sources produce 3 types of radiation infrared(IR) and ultraviolet(UV) and visible radiation, whether natural or artificial As its name gives away, visible radiation is the light we see, it...
We are delighted to announce that our projects MACFit 2016 is shortlisted in Darc Awards Architectural 2017 for Places Interior / Low Budget category The voting period has started we are waiting...
Korhan Şişman, will be speaking in IstanbulLight International Lighting & Electrical Equipment Fair And Congress, Lighting Design Summit on 23 September 2017 Architect Murat Tabanlıoğlu,...
We are delighted to announce that our two projects, Kahve Dünyası Fabrika and NuPeople Office, have received IES Merit Award this year! The IES Illumination Awards program recognizes individuals...
Korhan Sisman had a place in the list of Lighting Design Awards 40under40 2017 Lighting Magazine shined the spotlight on 40 lighting designers under the age of 40 whose career accomplishments have...
Planlux has participated to the exhibition of IstanbulSMD ‘Kağıttan yere, yerden duvara’ as lighting designers with the support of Atel and Avolux In the exhibition, the last...
Planlux was mentioned in MondoArc magazine on February 2016: MondoArc Issue 89 – February/March 2016 – Snapshot for...
We are proud to announce that Dogus Oto Technology Center lighting design project receives Award of Merit by IES The IES Illumination Awards provides a unique opportunity for public recognition of...
DESIGNERS WITH LIGHT FORUM 2015 17 April 2015 There are many lighting conferences and seminars across the world However, the majority appear to be by the lighting industry for the lighting industry...
LightWorld-28 Aydınlatmanın Master Planı Yaklaşımı LightWorld-31 Avm Aydınlatmasında Doğru Kriterler Canpark AVM LightWorld-33 Aydınlatmanın En’leri HiltonSA Ankara Hotel...
Turkish lighting designers gathering on 070214 Thanks to Çağlar Yılmaz (Philips) and Emre Güneş (Editor of PLD Turkey) for their sweet...
Karşılaştığımız bazı teknik sorunlara aydınlatma tasarımcısı gözü ile yaklaştık http://wwwvoltimumcomtr/haberler/aydinlatma-tasarimcilarinin-isini-kolaylastiracak-bazi-tiyolar 1- Led...
We are delighted to hear that Yesilova Neolithic Settlement Visitor Center and Archeological Research Facility by steb |by studio evren basbug – scra architects is shortlisted in ‘world...
12102009 Guerrilla Lighting Istanbul project is realised successfully http://guerrillalightingnet/general/2009/guerrilla-lighting-istanbul-2/Thanks to Studio Dekka, Emre Gunes PLD Turkey Mag,...
PLDA Workshop, Frederikshavn Lightvisions Frederikshavn 2006 Brian Mosbacher:The Fishing Cottages “Welcome home” Annukka Larsen: Town Hall Park and “Vinden”...